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2022/5783 High Holy Days Worship for TBS Members


We look forward to having you join us for High Holy Days. While attendance is not capped, we require registration to attend services in person. If you wish to join us virtually, please check the box for virtual attendance.
Please check the service(s) you plan on attending:

Additional Badges

Additional badges can be purchased for $50 per service or $180 per person to attend all the services.  All badges will be available at will call. Please provide the name(s) of your guest(s) and the services they are attending.
If you have guests joining you on your watching device, please list their names. We ask you to consider a donation for all guests joining you virtually. 
Please list the names and services below
Please list the names of guests below

Prayer Books

All HHD services will have books available to borrow. 

High Holy Day Donations

$25 Minimum Donation
$25 Minimum Donation
$25 Minimum Donation
Please indicate if your listing will be In Honor of or In Memory of and the name.

Greeters 2022/5783

Sat, August 31 2024 27 Av 5784