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High Holy Days 5785 Participation & Volunteering

Your Information

Volunteering: Usher

Ushering is an integral part of the High Holy Day experience for our membership. We are in need of at least 6 ushers per service to help guide members to available seats in the Sanctuary and spillover seating in the Social Hall, passing out and collecting machzor (High Holy Day prayer books), Appeal cards, and Yizkor books. You are also part of our internal safety team during the services and will be required to attend mandatory training on Sunday, September 15th at 10:00 am at TBS. Thank you to Curtis Desilets for being our Lead Usher for 5785!

Questions about Ushering? Email Karen Warren at

Volunteering: Underwriting

Producing the High Holy Days is a monumental task and what better way to bring in the New Year than by helping us underwrite certain elements that help enhance our High Holy Day Services!

You can underwrite "in honor of" or "in memory of" your family and friends and your donation will be recognized in the handouts for each service.

Questions about Underwriting? Email Karen Warren at
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785