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Rabbi's Corner: Past & Present Coverage - Kristallnacht Commemoration, Veterans' Day, Israel's War with Hamas, & Antisemitism

11/10/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

On Thursday evening and today (November 9th and 10th)  we commemorate the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht – The Night of Broken Glass.This is the anniversary of that horrific event in 1938 when the Nazis in Germany sent their thugs on a murderous pogrom: violence and destruction of Jewish property and persons, looting, killing, and setting into motion what would become the greatest example of evil in our time, the Holocaust.

One day later, tomorrow, we observe Veterans’ Day, remembering, honoring and paying tribute to those who defend our great nation, our right to live in safety and security, peace and harmony.

This year, as the events that followed the October 7th horrific brutality of Hamas’ vicious attack on Israel, the resulting war, and world-wide uptick in antisemitism, there seems to be a convergence of past and present.

Kristallnacht, Hamas, antisemitism, and hatred of all kinds are the symbols of evil. Veterans’ Day, the fight to wipe out Hamas, standing up for Jewish unity, and the values of life and liberty are the symbols of valor. Evil followed by valor. May valor always overpower evil, eradicating it so that honor, dignity, peace, and harmony prevail. We remember the evil, so we don’t become the evil. We celebrate and salute the valor, so we can inspire each other to stand up against hatred, against xenophobia, to stand united for justice, and truth. We honor those who fought valiantly for the democratic ideals of our country to inspire us to live lives of valor and justice and to keep fighting valiantly for a world of “justice and liberty for all.”

Please join us tonight as we remember, honor, and pay tribute, with our special service at 7:00 PM.

We invite all of our Armed Force Veterans and all who are currently serving to join us for a special blessing.

Prayer of Hope

Hold fast to the breath of life. Hold fast to the song of life. Hold fast to the soul of life.

Hold fast to awe and wonder. Hold fast to radiance and light. Hold fast to mystery and majesty.

Hold fast to dreams, hopes and visions.
Hold fast to those who share your dreams.
Hold fast to God, who rekindles hope and trust and courage within our hearts.

O God – help us to sustain our belief in the promise That even in the darkest times,
Even when we feel most discouraged,
There is reason to trust

That love is never extinguished That light and spirit will prevail.

Hold fast to the promise that we, you and I together,
Can build a world that is safer for us and our children and all good people Everywhere.

During the days and nights ahead, O God, bring comfort and peace, Hope and light. To broken hearts and a broken world.

Tue, July 2 2024 26 Sivan 5784