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Rabbi's Corner: Will the Rainbow, the Covenant of Peace, Appear Soon?

10/20/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

This is such a difficult, anguishing, heartbreaking and troubling time for so many reasons. The ongoing war as a result of Hamas’ brutal terrorist attack on Israel two weeks ago continues to weigh on our hearts, minds, and souls. At the same time, we observe how this war is being...Read more...

Rabbi's Corner: Stand Up for Israel - Be the Light in the Darkness

10/13/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

It’s hard to believe that it’s been only six days that we awoke to the horrific news of Hamas’ brutal assault on our beloved Israel. Like many of you, my emotions have been all over the map this week: shock, horror, despair, grief, outrage, anger, disbelief, numbness. I see the news and...Read more...

Rabbi's Corner: Sh'mini Atzeret, Yizkor and Simchat Torah: A Metaphor for Life

10/06/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

Tomorrow morning we gather as a combined community with Shir Ha’ma’a’lot and Congregation B’nai Tzedek to observe Sh’mini Atzeret and Yizkor, the end of Sukkot and our service of remembrance for those whom we loved who are no longer alive. We have just completed our celebration of Sukkot, Z’man...Read more...

Rabbi's Corner: Sukkot - A Reminder of the Dual Nature of Our Lives (Please Help Us Achieve Our 500 Bag Goal HHD Food Drive)

09/29/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

Full moon, full hearts, full harvest, full bellies…for some of...Read more...

Ted Lasso, Strengthening Bonds, & Our Preneg Pilot Program (5:15pm today!)

09/22/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

I needed a little distraction to help me unwind immediately following Rosh Hashanah before diving into preparing for Yom Kippur. Many people recommended that I watch Ted Lasso, they said it was fantastic. I am hooked! Ted Lasso is a heartwarming comedy series. Despite the fact that Ted has...Read more...

Rabbi's Corner: 500 Bags (or more) of "Wildly Unimaginable Blessings" - A New Year Challenge and Blessing

09/15/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

Curious about how the items in this photo are connected? Pasta sauce and candle sticks. Beans and decorations for my Rosh Hashanah table.  Apples and a new box of pasta. They are all part of our High Holy Day “Wildly Unimaginable Blessings” – blessings for ourselves and...Read more...

Rabbi's Corner: Breating Our Way Into the New Year

09/08/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

In music, the breaths, rest notes, pauses, and the spaces between the notes are just as important as the musical notes themselves.  If there were no breaths, rests, pauses, or spaces, we would just have a jumble of non-stop music.  We wouldn’t understand the message that the composer was trying to convey.  We need...Read more...

Rabbi’s Corner: “Oneg” Means “Joy”

09/01/2023 10:00:00 AM


Rabbi Sharon L. Sobel

Did you ever wonder why the desserts and treats we enjoy after our Erev Shabbat service are known as an “Oneg Shabbat?” The phrase “oneg Shabbat” literally means “the joy of Shabbat.” We learn from a tapestry of Jewish sources that Shabbat is to be celebrated...Read more...

Tue, July 2 2024 26 Sivan 5784